import os
import logging 
import sys

# Libs
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Locals
import oggm.cfg as cfg
from oggm import utils, workflow, tasks
from oggm.core import gcm_climate
# Initialize OGGM and set up the default run parameters
rgi_version = '62'

# Local working directory (where OGGM will write its output)
WORKING_DIR = os.environ.get('OGGM_WORKDIR', '')
    raise RuntimeError('Need a working dir')
cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = WORKING_DIR

# ERA5 params
cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error'] = True
cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 2.6
cfg.PARAMS['use_winter_prcp_factor'] = False
cfg.PARAMS['border'] = 160
cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_nh'] = 1
cfg.PARAMS['hydro_month_sh'] = 1
cfg.PARAMS['climate_qc_months'] = 0

OUTPUT_DIR = os.environ.get('OGGM_OUTDIR', '')
if not OUTPUT_DIR:
    raise RuntimeError('Need an output dir')

rgi_reg = os.environ.get('OGGM_RGI_REG', '')
if rgi_reg not in ['{:02d}'.format(r) for r in range(1, 20)]:
    raise RuntimeError('Need an RGI Region')

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.workflow('Starting run for RGI reg {}'.format(rgi_reg))    

# RGI glaciers
rgi_ids = gpd.read_file(utils.get_rgi_region_file(rgi_reg, version=rgi_version))

# For greenland we omit connectivity level 2
if rgi_reg == '05':
    rgi_ids = rgi_ids.loc[rgi_ids['Connect'] != 2]
# Test
# rgi_ids = rgi_ids.sample(64)

# base_urls = ['',
#              '',
#              '',
#              # '',
#             ]

# base_urls = [
#              '',
#              # '',
#             ]

base_urls = [
             # '',

for base_url in base_urls:

    # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories
    gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgi_ids, from_prepro_level=5, prepro_base_url=base_url, prepro_rgi_version=rgi_version)
    # if 'match_geod_pergla' in base_url:
    #     cfg.PARAMS['climate_qc_months'] = 0

    gcms = pd.read_csv('/home/www/oggm/cmip6/all_gcm_list.csv', index_col=0)
    n_gcms = len(sys.argv) - 1
    for gcm in sys.argv[1:]:
        df1 = gcms.loc[gcms.gcm == gcm]
        for ssp in df1.ssp.unique():
            df2 = df1.loc[df1.ssp == ssp]
            assert len(df2) == 2
            ft = df2.loc[df2['var'] == 'tas'].iloc[0]
            fp = df2.loc[df2['var'] == 'pr'].iloc[0].path
            rid = ft.fname.replace('', '')
            ft = ft.path

            log.workflow('Starting run for {}'.format(rid)) 

            workflow.execute_entity_task(gcm_climate.process_cmip_data, gdirs, 
                                         filesuffix='_' + rid,  # recognize the climate file for later
                                         fpath_temp=ft,  # temperature projections
                                         fpath_precip=fp,  # precip projections
                                         year_range=('1981', '2018'),
            if 'massredis' in base_url:
                from oggm.core.flowline import MassRedistributionCurveModel 
                evolution_model = MassRedistributionCurveModel
                from oggm.core.flowline import FluxBasedModel 
                evolution_model = FluxBasedModel
            workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_from_climate_data, gdirs,
                                         climate_filename='gcm_data',  # use gcm_data, not climate_historical
                                         climate_input_filesuffix='_' + rid,  # use a different scenario
                                         init_model_filesuffix='_historical',  # this is important! Start from 2019 glacier
                                         output_filesuffix=rid,  # recognize the run for later
            gcm_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, base_url.split('L3-L5_files/')[-1].split('/')[-1], 'RGI' + rgi_reg, gcm)
            utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, input_filesuffix=rid, path=os.path.join(gcm_dir, rid + '.nc'))

log.workflow('OGGM Done')