import os import logging import sys # Libs import xarray as xr import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Locals import oggm.cfg as cfg from oggm import utils, workflow, tasks from oggm.core import gcm_climate if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize OGGM and set up the default run parameters cfg.initialize(logging_level='WORKFLOW', future=True) cfg.PARAMS['border'] = 80 # Local working directory (where OGGM will write its output) WORKING_DIR = os.environ.get('OGGM_WORKDIR', '') if not WORKING_DIR: raise RuntimeError('Need a working dir') utils.mkdir(WORKING_DIR) cfg.PATHS['working_dir'] = WORKING_DIR OUTPUT_DIR = os.environ.get('OGGM_OUTDIR', '') if not OUTPUT_DIR: raise RuntimeError('Need an output dir') utils.mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR) # Some params cfg.PARAMS['continue_on_error'] = True cfg.PARAMS['cfl_number'] = 0.01 # to be a bit more stable cfg.PARAMS['prcp_scaling_factor'] = 1.6 # because that's how we calibrated it # This is now switched off so we turn it on cfg.PARAMS['use_kcalving_for_inversion'] = True cfg.PARAMS['use_kcalving_for_run'] = True # fraction of the original (non-calving) mu* for this glacier that # you are ready to allow for. Totally arbitrary. cfg.PARAMS['calving_min_mu_star_frac'] = 0.7 # calving constant of proportionality k after Oerlemans and Nick (2005) # units yr-1. This one is for the ice thickness inversion # Oerlemans and Nick (2005) use 2.4 yr-1, but qualitative tests and # Recinos et al., (2019) indicate that is should be much smaller. # We set it to 0.6 according to Recinos et al 2019 for a start cfg.PARAMS['inversion_calving_k'] = 0.6 # And this one is for the forward model cfg.PARAMS['calving_k'] = 0.6 rgi_reg = os.environ.get('OGGM_RGI_REG', '') if rgi_reg not in ['{:02d}'.format(r) for r in range(1, 20)]: raise RuntimeError('Need an RGI Region') # Module logger log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.workflow('Starting run for RGI reg {}'.format(rgi_reg)) # Since we will recalibrate the mass-balance, we need the tstars ref_tstars_base_url = '' workflow.download_ref_tstars(base_url=ref_tstars_base_url) # RGI glaciers rgi_ids = gpd.read_file(utils.get_rgi_region_file(rgi_reg)) # For greenland we omit connectivity level 2 if rgi_reg == '05': rgi_ids = rgi_ids.loc[rgi_ids['Connect'] != 2] # Go - get the pre-processed glacier directories base_url = '' gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgi_ids, from_prepro_level=3, prepro_base_url=base_url) # Ice thick have been calibrated without calving - we recalibrate with calving this time - by matching the consensus? workflow.calibrate_inversion_from_consensus(gdirs, apply_fs_on_mismatch=True, error_on_mismatch=False) # Do we want to match geodetic estimates? # This affects only the bias so we can actually do this *after* # the inversion, but we really want to take calving into account here opath = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_before_match_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, path=opath) workflow.match_regional_geodetic_mb(gdirs, rgi_reg, dataset='hugonnet') workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.init_present_time_glacier, gdirs) # Get end date. The first gdir might have blown up, try some others i = 0 while True: if i >= len(gdirs): raise RuntimeError('Found no valid glaciers!') try: y0 = gdirs[i].get_climate_info()['baseline_hydro_yr_0'] # One adds 1 because the run ends at the end of the year ye = gdirs[i].get_climate_info()['baseline_hydro_yr_1'] + 1 break except BaseException: i += 1 # OK - run workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_from_climate_data, gdirs, min_ys=y0, ye=ye, output_filesuffix='_historical') # Run output opath = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'historical_run_output_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, path=opath, input_filesuffix='_historical') # Glacier statistics we recompute here for error analysis opath = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, path=opath) # Add the extended files pf = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'historical_run_output_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) mf = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) # This is crucial - extending calving only possible with L3 data!!! sf = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) opath = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'historical_run_output_extended_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.extend_past_climate_run(past_run_file=pf, fixed_geometry_mb_file=mf, glacier_statistics_file=sf, path=opath) log.workflow('OGGM Done')