import numpy as np from oggm.core.flowline import ( flowline_model_run, FileModel, ) from oggm.core.massbalance import ( ConstantMassBalance, MassBalanceModel, ) from oggm import entity_task # Module logger import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BiasedConstantMassBalance(MassBalanceModel): """Time-dependant Temp and PRCP delta ConstantMassBalance model""" def __init__( self, gdir, temp_bias_ts=None, prcp_fac_ts=None, bias=0, y0=None, halfsize=15, filename="climate_historical", input_filesuffix="", **kwargs ): """Initialize Parameters ---------- gdir : GlacierDirectory the glacier directory temp_bias_ts : pandas DataFrame the temperature bias timeseries (in °C) (index: time as years) prcp_fac_ts : pandas DataFrame the precipitaion bias timeseries (in % change, positive or negative) (index: time as years) bias : float, optional set to the alternative value of the annual bias [mm we yr-1] you want to use (the default is to use the calibrated value) y0 : int the year at the center of the period of interest. Has to be set! halfsize : int, optional the half-size of the time window (window size = 2 * halfsize + 1) filename : str, optional set to a different BASENAME if you want to use alternative climate data. input_filesuffix : str the file suffix of the input climate file """ super(BiasedConstantMassBalance, self).__init__() self.mbmod = ConstantMassBalance( gdir, bias=bias, y0=y0, halfsize=halfsize, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix, **kwargs ) self.valid_bounds = self.mbmod.valid_bounds self.hemisphere = gdir.hemisphere self.is_year_valid = self.mbmod.is_year_valid # Set ys and ye self.ys = int(temp_bias_ts.index[0]) = int(temp_bias_ts.index[-1]) if prcp_fac_ts is None: prcp_fac_ts = temp_bias_ts * 0 self.prcp_fac_ts = self.mbmod.prcp_fac + prcp_fac_ts self.temp_bias_ts = self.mbmod.temp_bias + temp_bias_ts @property def temp_bias(self): """Temperature bias to add to the original series.""" return self.mbmod.temp_bias @temp_bias.setter def temp_bias(self, value): """Temperature bias to add to the original series.""" self.mbmod.temp_bias = value @property def prcp_fac(self): """Precipitation factor to apply to the original series.""" return self.mbmod.prcp_fac @prcp_fac.setter def prcp_fac(self, value): """Precipitation factor to apply to the original series.""" self.mbmod.prcp_fac = value @property def bias(self): """Residual bias to apply to the original series.""" return self.mbmod.bias @bias.setter def bias(self, value): """Residual bias to apply to the original series.""" self.mbmod.bias = value def _check_bias(self, year): t = np.asarray(self.temp_bias_ts.loc[int(year)]) if np.any(t != self.temp_bias): self.temp_bias = t p = np.asarray(self.prcp_fac_ts.loc[int(year)]) if np.any(p != self.prcp_fac): self.prcp_fac = p def get_monthly_mb(self, heights, year=None, **kwargs): self._check_bias(year) return self.mbmod.get_monthly_mb(heights, year=year, **kwargs) def get_annual_mb(self, heights, year=None, **kwargs): self._check_bias(year) return self.mbmod.get_annual_mb(heights, year=year, **kwargs) @entity_task(log) def run_constant_climate_with_bias( gdir, temp_bias_ts=None, prcp_fac_ts=None, ys=None, ye=None, y0=2014, halfsize=5, climate_filename="climate_historical", climate_input_filesuffix="", output_filesuffix="", init_model_fls=None, init_model_filesuffix=None, init_model_yr=None, bias=0, **kwargs ): """Runs a glacier with temperature and precipitation correction timeseries. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the glacier directory to process temp_bias_ts : pandas DataFrame the temperature bias timeseries (in °C) (index: time as years) prcp_fac_ts : pandas DataFrame the precipitaion bias timeseries (in % change, positive or negative) (index: time as years) y0 : int central year of the constant climate period halfsize : int half-size of the constant climate period climate_filename : str name of the climate file, e.g. 'climate_historical' (default) or 'gcm_data' climate_input_filesuffix: str filesuffix for the input climate file output_filesuffix : str for the output file init_model_filesuffix : str if you want to start from a previous model run state. Can be combined with `init_model_yr` init_model_yr : int the year of the initial run you want to start from. The default is to take the last year available bias : float bias of the mb model. Default is to use the calibrated one, which is zero usually anyways. kwargs : dict kwargs to pass to the FluxBasedModel instance """ if init_model_filesuffix is not None: fp = gdir.get_filepath("model_geometry", filesuffix=init_model_filesuffix) fmod = FileModel(fp) if init_model_yr is None: init_model_yr = fmod.last_yr # Avoid issues here if init_model_yr > fmod.y0: fmod.run_until(init_model_yr) else: fmod.run_until(fmod.y0) init_model_fls = fmod.fls # Final crop mb = BiasedConstantMassBalance( gdir, temp_bias_ts=temp_bias_ts, prcp_fac_ts=prcp_fac_ts, y0=y0, bias=bias, halfsize=halfsize, filename=climate_filename, input_filesuffix=climate_input_filesuffix, ) # Decide from climate if ye is None: ye = if ys is None: ys = mb.ys return flowline_model_run( gdir, output_filesuffix=output_filesuffix, mb_model=mb, ys=ys, ye=ye, init_model_fls=init_model_fls, **kwargs )