import warnings import as ccrs import cartopy.feature as cfeature import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import numpy as np import shapely.geometry as sgeom import xarray as xr from cartopy.mpl import geoaxes def _check_input(da, fieldname): # pick the data_var to plot if isinstance(da, xr.Dataset): if fieldname is None: fieldname = list(da.data_vars)[0] warnings.warn("No `fieldname` supplied. Defaults to `%s`" % fieldname, UserWarning) data = da[fieldname] elif isinstance(da, xr.DataArray): data = da else: raise RuntimeWarning( "Data must be xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset \ (with `fieldname` specified). Datatype found %s" % type(da) ) return data # plotting basics def _core_plot(ax, data, plotmethod=None, **kwargs): """Core plotting functionality""" # Deactivate cbar for contours (not sure this should be hardcoded...) if plotmethod == "contour": kwargs.pop("cbar_kwargs", None) # I am probably recoding something from there a way to get # the plot.something functionslity with a keyword? # For now do it the hard way if plotmethod is None: p = data.plot(ax=ax, **kwargs) # doesnt work,...i want this for smoother images elif plotmethod == "imshow": # p = data.plot.imshow(ax=ax, **kwargs) # testing interpolation p = data.plot.imshow(ax=ax, interpolation="gaussian", **kwargs) # print(p.get_interpolation()) elif plotmethod == "pcolormesh": p = data.plot.pcolormesh(ax=ax, **kwargs) elif plotmethod == "contour": p = data.plot.contour(ax=ax, **kwargs) elif plotmethod == "contourf": p = data.plot.contourf(ax=ax, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError( "Input '%s' not recognized \ as plotmode" % plotmethod ) return p def _base_plot(ax, base_data, timestamp, framedim, plotmethod=None, **kwargs): data = base_data.isel({framedim: timestamp}) p = _core_plot(ax, data, plotmethod=plotmethod, **kwargs) return p # projections utilities and hacks def _smooth_boundary_NearsidePerspective(projection): # workaround for a smoother outer boundary # ( # Re-implement the cartopy code to figure out the boundary. # This is just really a guess.... WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS = 6378137.0 # because I cannot import it above...this should be fixed upstream # anyways... a = projection.globe.semimajor_axis or WGS84_SEMIMAJOR_AXIS h = projection.proj4_params["h"] false_easting = projection.proj4_params["x_0"] false_northing = projection.proj4_params["y_0"] max_x = a * np.sqrt(h / (2 * a + h)) coords = ccrs._ellipse_boundary(max_x, max_x, false_easting, false_northing, n=361) projection._boundary = sgeom.LinearRing(coords.T) return projection # def _smooth_boundary_globe(projection): # # workaround for a smoother outer boundary # # ( # # # Re-implement the cartopy code to figure out the boundary. # a = np.float(projection.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) # b = np.float(projection.globe.semiminor_axis or a) # coords = ccrs._ellipse_boundary(a * 0.99999, b * 0.99999, n=361) # # # Update the projection's boundary. # projection._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords.T) # return projection # Styling of the plot elements def _style_dict_raw(): return { "standard": { "bgcolor": "1.0", "fgcolor": "0.7", "blend_outline_patch": False, "landcolor": "0.2", "coastcolor": "0.3", }, "dark": { "bgcolor": "0.1", "fgcolor": "0.7", "blend_outline_patch": True, "landcolor": "0.2", "coastcolor": "0.3", }, } def _style_dict(style=None): # set default style if style is None: style = "standard" # define parameters for styles style_dict = _style_dict_raw() return style_dict[style] def _set_style(fig, ax, pp, style): "Sets the colorscheme for figure, axis and plot object (`pp`) according to style" # check if ax is 'normal' or cartopy projection is_geoax = False if isinstance(ax, geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot): is_geoax = True # parse styles style_dict = _style_dict(style) supported_styles = list(_style_dict_raw().keys()) if (style not in supported_styles) and (style is not None): raise ValueError( "Given value for `style`(%s) not supported. \ Currently support [%s]" % (style, supported_styles) ) # can I declare these in an automated fashinon? bgcolor = style_dict.pop("bgcolor", None) fgcolor = style_dict.pop("fgcolor", None) blend_outline_patch = style_dict.pop("blend_outline_patch", None) fig.patch.set_facecolor(bgcolor) if is_geoax: ax.background_patch.set_facecolor(bgcolor) else: ax.set_facecolor(bgcolor) # Use the boundary to blend the edges of the globe into background if blend_outline_patch: if is_geoax: ax.outline_patch.set_edgecolor(bgcolor) ax.outline_patch.set_antialiased(True) ax.outline_patch.set_linewidth(2) # modify colorbar try: cb = pp.colorbar except (AttributeError): cb = None if cb is not None: # set colorbar label plus label color cb.set_label(, color=fgcolor) # set colorbar tick color # set colorbar edgecolor cb.outline.set_edgecolor(fgcolor) # set colorbar ticklabels plt.setp(plt.getp(, "yticklabels"), color=fgcolor) def _add_land(ax, style): if not isinstance(ax, geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot): raise ValueError("Cannot add land on non-cartopy axes. Got ($s)" % type(ax)) style_dict = _style_dict(style) feature = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature( name="land", category="physical", scale="50m", facecolor=style_dict["landcolor"] ) ax.add_feature(feature) def _add_coast(ax, style): if not isinstance(ax, geoaxes.GeoAxesSubplot): raise ValueError("Cannot add land on non-cartopy axes. Got ($s)" % type(ax)) style_dict = _style_dict(style) feature = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature( name="coastline", category="physical", scale="50m", edgecolor=style_dict["coastcolor"], facecolor="none", ) ax.add_feature(feature) # Presets (should proabably put all others into a submodule) def basic( da, fig, timestamp, framedim="time", plotmethod=None, plot_variable=None, subplot_kw=None, **kwargs ): """Basic plot using the default xarray plot method for this DataArray.""" # create axis ax = fig.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kw) data = _check_input(da, plot_variable) pp = _base_plot(ax, data, timestamp, framedim, plotmethod=plotmethod, **kwargs) return ax, pp def my_rotating_globe( da, fig, timestamp, framedim="time", plotmethod=None, plot_variable=None, overlay_variables=None, lon_start=-110, lon_rotations=0.5, lat_start=25, lat_rotations=0, land=False, gridlines=False, coastline=True, style=None, debug=False, **kwargs ): """ Rotating globe plot. Parameters ---------- da : DataArray Data to be plotted. fig : Figure Figure to plot on. timestamp : int Used to select the animation frame using :meth:`~xarray.DataArray.isel` with dimension `framedim`. framedim : str Dimension name along which frames will be generated. plotmethod : str, optional Method of :attr:`xarray.DataArray.plot` to use. plot_variable : str, optional Variable to plot. Not needed for :class:`~xarray.DataArray`. overlay_variables Currently unused. lon_start : float Central longitude at the beginning of the animation. lon_rotations : float Number of longitude rotations to be completed in the animation. lat_start : float As in `lon_start`. lat_rotations : float As in `lon_rotations`. land : bool Plot the land. gridlines : bool Plot lat/lon gridlines. coastline : bool Plot the coastlines. style : {'standard', 'dark'} debug : bool Currently unused. **kwargs Passed on to the xarray plotting method. """ # rotate lon_rotations times throughout movie and start at lon_start lon = np.linspace(0, 360 * lon_rotations, len(da[framedim])) + lon_start # Same for lat lat = np.linspace(0, 360 * lat_rotations, len(da[framedim])) + lat_start # proj = ccrs.Orthographic(lon[timestamp], lat[timestamp]) # proj = _smooth_boundary_globe(proj) # This looks more like a 3D globe in my opinion proj = ccrs.NearsidePerspective(central_longitude=lon[timestamp], central_latitude=lat[timestamp]) proj = _smooth_boundary_NearsidePerspective(proj) subplot_kw = dict(projection=proj) # mapping style kwargs map_style_kwargs = dict(transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) kwargs.update(map_style_kwargs) # create axis (TODO:this should be handled by the basic preset ) ax = fig.subplots(subplot_kw=subplot_kw) data = _check_input(da, plot_variable) pp = _base_plot(ax, data, timestamp, framedim, plotmethod=plotmethod, **kwargs) _set_style(fig, ax, pp, style=style) ax.set_title(np.datetime_as_string(data.isel(time=timestamp).time, unit='h')) ax.set_global() # set style (TODO: move this to the basic function including the set style) if land: _add_land(ax, style) if coastline: _add_coast(ax, style) if gridlines: gl = ax.gridlines() # Increase gridline res gl.n_steps = 500 # for now fixed locations gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(range(-180, 181, 30)) gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(range(-90, 91, 30)) else: gl = None # i should output this to test the preset. Maybe a dict output for the pp and gl (and potentially others)? # need a way to do that for the outline too # possibly for future versions, but I need a way to increase results # ax.outline_patch.set_visible(False) return ax, pp def rotating_globe_dark(da, fig, timestamp, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "This preset will be deprecated in the future. \ Use `rotating_globe` with `style=`dark`` instead`", DeprecationWarning, ) return rotating_globe(da, fig, timestamp, style="dark", **kwargs)