# Configuration file for OGGM parameters ### Input/Output paths. Set to ~ to default to home directory # Where OGGM will write its output working_dir = # Users can specify their own topography file if they want to. # This is useful for testing, or if you # are simulating a single region with better data. # the empty default is what most users should do dem_file = # Users can specify their own climate dataset if they want to. # This is useful for testing, or if you # are simulating a single region with better data. # The format of the file is not (yet) very flexible. See the HISTALP data # in the sample-data folder for an example: # https://github.com/OGGM/oggm-sample-data/tree/master/test-workflow climate_file = # RGI Version (5, 6, 61, or 62) rgi_version = 70C # Multiprocessing use_multiprocessing = False # Number of processors to use (-1 = all available) mp_processes = -1 # To avoid race issues when using GDAL, it might be necessary to set this # to "true". It makes the initialisation of the pool slower, which is # why it is false per default use_mp_spawn = False # Continue on error? continue_on_error = False # Skip the entity tasks which have already been applied? # It is set to False per default but can be set to True for operational runs # (works only for entity tasks) auto_skip_task = False # Apply a timeout check to entity tasks? # 0 means no timeout, positive values give timeout threshold in seconds task_timeout = 0 # Use compression for the intermediate pickles? (might slow down I/O a bit) # Both the performance loss (0% ?) and the space gain (-10%) seem to be low use_compression = True # Store shapefiles in glacier directories as .tar files instead of the multiple # files format? If use_compression is True, use tar.gz instead. use_tar_shapefiles = True # If we should keep MultiPolygon Outlines or just use the larges part, # MultiPolygon Outlines are only supported for elevation band flowlines keep_multipolygon_outlines = False # MPI recv buffer size # If you receive "Message truncated" errors from MPI, increase this mpi_recv_buf_size = 131072 # Check for the integrity of the files OGGM downloads at run time dl_verify = False # Default number of files to be cached in the temporary directory lru_maxsize = 100 ### Glacier map and grid determination # Map projection: 'tmerc' or 'utm' map_proj = 'utm' # Decision on grid spatial resolution for each glacier # 'fixed': dx (meters) = fixed_dx # 'by_bin': dx (meters) = dx, chosen by bins # 'linear': dx (meters) = d1 * AREA (km) + d2 ; clipped to dmax (e.g.: 5, 10, 200) # 'square': dx (meters) = d1 * sqrt(AREA) (km) + d2 ; clipped to dmax (e.g.: 20, 10, 200) # Defaults grid_dx_method = 'by_bin' d1 = 14. d2 = 10. dmax = 200. # Ignored if grid_dx_method != 'fixed' fixed_dx = 50. # Ignored if grid_dx_method != 'by_bin' # size_bins should be of len(by_bin_dx)+1 and given in km2. # The first and last bin range should be chosen so that all glaciers are included # by_bin_dx = 25, 50, 100, 200 # by_bin_bins = 0, 8, 80, 300, 1e12 by_bin_dx = 25, 50, 100 by_bin_bins = 0, 16, 300, 1e12 # Which algorithm to use for interpolating the topography to the local grid # 'bilinear' or 'cubic' topo_interp = cubic # Grid border buffer around the glacier (in pixels) # Make it large if you want to do past simulations. border = 80 # For tidewater glaciers it doesn't make sense to have large maps # if for some reason you still want this, set to false clip_tidewater_border = True # The glacier area, CenLon and CenLat are usually taken from the RGI # shapefile, which is a good thing for default RGI files. If you use your # own inventory, however, it might be a good idea to let OGGM compute these # attributes at runtime: set to `False` in this case. use_rgi_area = True # Head determination: (approx) size in meters of the half-size window # where to look for maxima localmax_window = 500. # DEM smoothing: (approx) size in meters of the smoothing window. # Set to 0 for no smoothing smooth_window = 251. # DEM clipping: we usually clip to 0 m a.s.l, but sometimes if you # want to be super robust it might be good to not do that clip_dem_to_zero = True ### Centerline / flowline options # Use multiple flowlines? use_multiple_flowlines = True # Kienholz et al eq (1) q1 = 2e-6 q2 = 500. rmax = 1000. # Kienholz et al eq (2) f1 = 1000. f2 = 3000. a = 4.25 b = 3.7 # Kienholz et al eq (8) but modified here # Buffer in pixels where to cut the incoming centerlines kbuffer = 2.5 # For water-terminating glaciers, use the percentile instead of minimum h? # Set to zero if no special treatment for water terminating glaciers should be # used, and to an integer > 0 to specify the percentile terminus_search_percentile = 10 terminus_search_altitude_range = 100 ### FLOWLINES definition parameters # Whether the model should use the glacier intersects information # given by the user use_intersects = True # Grid spacing of a flowline in pixel coordinates flowline_dx = 2 # Number of pixels to arbitrarily remove at junctions flowline_junction_pix = 3 # Gaussian smooth of the altitude along a flowline # sigma, in pixel coordinates (sigma=1 -> smooth around a -4:+4 window) flowline_height_smooth = 1 # Prevent too small slopes? (see also min_slope param below) filter_min_slope = True ### Elevation band flowlines (or "collapsed flowlines") parameters # Only used if using the alternative flowline definition # The elevation binsize in m - it was 10m in Huss&Farinotti2012, 30m in Werder 2019 elevation_band_flowline_binsize = 30 ### CATCHMENT WIDTHS computation parameters # altitude range threshold for filtering # This stuff has not been really optimized, it's also not very critical width_alt_range_thres = 250. # Minimum number of elements per bin for altitude-binsize definition min_n_per_bin = 2 # Baseline binsize for the altitude-area distribution base_binsize = 50. # Smoothing of the widths after altitude-area matching? 0 means no smoothing, # 1 means default (i.e. kernel size 9). smooth_widths_window_size = 1 ### DOWNSTREAM LINE # define which bed shape should be used for the ice free downstream line, the # options are 'parabola' or 'trapezoidal'. Trapezoidal is probably less # accurate but allows to use the semi-implicit ice dynamical numerical scheme downstream_line_shape = 'trapezoidal' # defines the minimum bottom width of a potential trapezoidal downstream line # in meters trapezoid_min_bottom_width = 50. ### CLIMATE params # Baseline climate is the reference climate data to use for this workflow. # Options: CRU, HISTALP, ERA5, ERA5L, CERA+ERA5, CERA+ERA5L, W5E5, GSWP3_W5E5 # Leave empty if you want to do your own cuisine. baseline_climate = GSWP3_W5E5 # Hydrological year definition # We use this for date conversion and stuff - this is by far not # as important as it used to be in versions pre 1.6 hydro_month_nh = 10 hydro_month_sh = 4 # which temperature gradient? temp_default_gradient = -0.0065 # other parameters temp_all_solid = 0. temp_all_liq = 2. temp_melt = -1. # Melt factor calibration # These values are based on Schuster et al. (submitted). Using ~100 models # and the "best possible calibration" for the MB models, min, default and max # represent the 5, 50 and 95 percentiles (approx.) of the monthly models # calibration, using tmelt = -1 and W5E5 as data. # These values are given in kg m-2 K-1 day-1, for both the daily and # monthly models. We convert them back to monthly values where needed # (monthly = daily * 365 / 12) melt_f = 5 melt_f_min = 1.5 melt_f_max = 17 # Temperature bias calibration # The default range is very large and should be used with caution temp_bias_min = -15 temp_bias_max = 15 # For W5E5 and calibration on geodetic data from Hugonnet, use the precomputed # bias values based on grid point analysis (see documentation) use_temp_bias_from_file = True # precipitation correction: set to a float for a constant scaling factor # Needs to be set empty if use_winter_prcp_fac is True prcp_fac = # For calibration - set a range prcp_fac_min = 0.1 prcp_fac_max = 10 # Use a precipitation dependent factor (unique per glacier) # The values below have been calibrated on W5E5 data and currently # we enforce using it with these parameters. Note that the # prcp range above is used to constrain this use_winter_prcp_fac = True winter_prcp_fac_ab = -1.0614, 3.9200 # When matching geodetic MB on a glacier per glacier basis, which period # to use. Available in the current data are: # '2000-01-01_2010-01-01', '2010-01-01_2020-01-01', '2000-01-01_2020-01-01' geodetic_mb_period = 2000-01-01_2020-01-01 # Reference data from WGMS is available since the 50s for some glaciers # The default is to use all the data when asked to read it (as long as there is # climate data for it), but it could be that you prefer to limit this space # as well: either because your data is of bad quality, or to allow more # meaningful comparisons. Only used when reading WGMS data. ref_mb_valid_window = 0, 0 # Use compression for climate files? # Can be set to `False` if you have to read the data a lot, i.e. for the # cross-validation experiment compress_climate_netcdf = True ### Ice dynamics params ## ice density in kg m-3 ice_density = 900. ## Glen's flow law exponent glen_n = 3. ## Glen's creep parameter # For the thickness inversion physics inversion_glen_a = 2.4e-24 # For the forward run physics glen_a = 2.4e-24 ## Oerlemans "sliding" factor ## In the 1997 paper, it is 5.7e-20 (OUTDATED) # For the thickness inversion physics inversion_fs = 0. # For the forward run physics fs = 0. ### INVERSION params # Clip the flowline slope, in degrees # This will crop the slope during the ice thickness inversion. # This is quite a sensitive parameter! min_slope = 1.5 min_slope_ice_caps = 1.5 # When converting the centerlines to flowlines, we prevent negative slopes. # Ideally, this value should be set to `min_slope` for physical consistency, # but it turns that many flat glaciers will have weird flowlines with this # setting. Using zero works ok, and was the default in OGGM for long min_slope_flowline_filter = 0 # This is for the interpolation of the 1D inversion back to 2D # It should be higher than min_slope distributed_inversion_min_slope = 6 ### FLOWLINE MODEL params # Which evolution model to use. # One of 'SemiImplicit', 'FluxBased', 'MassRedistributionCurve' # - SemiImplicit: most accurate and faster solver. Works only on trapezoid # bed shapes and single flowlines (requires downstream_line_shape to be # trapezoidal). Does not have calving capability (yet) # - FluxBased: most versatile model, but sometimes unstable. Traditionally # the default model in OGGM, and the only one able to run in all cases # (multiple flowlines, calving, all bedshapes). # - MassRedistributionCurve : the "Huss dh/dt" model. Simplified but extremely # fast glacier retreat model (but unable to simulate long term glacier # advances). evolution_model = 'SemiImplicit' # below this threshold bedshapes are considered trapezoidal mixed_min_shape = 0.001 default_parabolic_bedshape = 0.003 # Sometimes the parabola fits in flat areas are very good, implying very # flat parabolas. This sets a minimum to what the parabolas are allowed to be # This value could need more tuning downstream_min_shape = 0.0001 # Angle defining the trapezoid bed shapes # https://docs.oggm.org/en/stable/ice-dynamics.html#bed-shapes # Lambda = 1 means an angle of 63° (so quite steep) # Lambda = 2 means an angle of 45° trapezoid_lambdas = 2 # Numerics and time stepping options # Factor to to us in the CFL criterion to choose the time step # (should be much smaller than 1). 0.02 is OK, but 0.01 is more stable # (and a bit slower) cfl_number = 0.02 # Time step threshold (in seconds): the numerical model will raise an error # if the adaptive time step falls below that value cfl_min_dt = 60 # Allow the glacier to grow larger than domain? error_when_glacier_reaches_boundaries = True # Glacier length computation # Glacier "length" is not as unambiguously done as glacier volume or area # Our defaults might not be the best for your use case. Here we provide # some options to the user. # This option sets an arbitrary limit on how thick (m) a glacier should be # to be defined as "glacier" (https://github.com/OGGM/oggm/issues/914) min_ice_thick_for_length = 0 # How to calculate the length of a glacier? # - 'naive' (the default) computes the length by summing the number of # grid points with an ice thickness above min_ice_thick_for_length # - 'consecutive' computes the length by summing the number of grid # points that are dynamically connected to the top of the glacier # 'consecutive' better corresponds to what we would intuitively # define as glacier length, but it can create large steps in the # length record in melt scenarios where the tongue gets disconnected # (dead ice) or when tributaries are providing ice to the # main branch at lower altitudes than the main branch's ice flow. glacier_length_method = naive # This option makes sure that dynamical runs realized with # oggm.core.flowline.flowline_model_run (i.e. all "run_*" tasks in the # flowline module) are realized with the same parameters as for the inversion # It's a good idea for operational runs. use_inversion_params_for_run = True ### Dynamic spinup params # Defines the minimum ice thickness which is used during the dynamic spinup to # match area or volume. Only grid points with a larger thickness are considered # to the total area. This is needed to filter out area changes due to climate # variability around the rgi year (spikes). dynamic_spinup_min_ice_thick = 10. ### Tidewater glaciers options # What is considered a "tidewater glacier" for the model runs, etc? # 1: Marine-terminating # 2: Marine-terminating, Shelf-terminating # 3: Marine-terminating, Lake-terminating # 4: Marine-terminating, Lake-terminating, Shelf-terminating tidewater_type = 2 # Should we switch on the k-calving parameterisation for tidewater glaciers? use_kcalving_for_inversion = False # Its possible to use kcalving_for_run but not during the inversion. # This is useful for example for advancing glaciers scenarios, where # mass is lost by calving instead of unrealistic advance. use_kcalving_for_run = False # calving constant of proportionality k after Oerlemans and Nick (2005) # units yr-1. This one is for the ice thickness inversion # Oerlemans and Nick (2005) use 2.4 yr-1, but qualitative tests and # Recinos et al., (2019) indicate that is should be much smaller. # We set it to 0.6 according to Recinos et al 2019 for a start inversion_calving_k = 0.6 # And this one is for the forward model calving_k = 0.6 # Should we use a flux limiter for the calving model? It creates # quite high frontal thicknesses, but helps to keep the numerics stable calving_use_limiter = True # Limit the front slope to a fraction of the calving front. "3" means 1/3. # Setting to 0 limits the max slope to read sea-level. calving_limiter_frac = 0 # Sometimes DEMs are bad, and the glacier terminus has unrealistic # heights: this defines min and max bounds for the glacier free board # during the thickness inversion, i.e. how far it can reach out of water (in m) # The DEM and flowlines won't be changed, but the water level will be # artificially changed and kept throughout the simulation free_board_marine_terminating = 10, 50 # For lake terminating glaciers, we have no way to know the water level, # so we set an arbitrary free board value free_board_lake_terminating = 10 # We extend the calving glaciers by an arbitrary number of grid points, # and following an arbitrary slope. # How many grid points should we extend the calving front with? calving_line_extension = 30 # What is the slope of the ocean floor there? Defined as tan alpha, i.e # deepening / distance (example 0.1: deepening of 100m over 1000m) calving_front_slope = 0.05 ### File output options # Whether to store the model geometry files during operational runs # This can be useful for advanced applications needing the retrieval # of glacier geometries after the run, but is not necessary if you # are interested in diagnostics only (volume, length, etc.) store_model_geometry = False # What variables would you like to store in the diagnostics files # Currently available in standard files: # volume, volume_bsl, volume_bwl, area, area_min_h, length, calving, # calving_rate, terminus_thick_i (with i in 0..9). # And with additional hydro output: # off_area, on_area, # melt_off_glacier, melt_on_glacier, # liq_prcp_off_glacier, liq_prcp_on_glacier, snowfall_off_glacier, snowfall_on_glacier, # Probably useful for debugging only # melt_residual_off_glacier, melt_residual_on_glacier # model_mb, residual_mb, snow_bucket, # You need to keep all variables in one line unfortunately store_diagnostic_variables = volume, volume_bsl, volume_bwl, area, length, calving, calving_rate, off_area, on_area, melt_off_glacier, melt_on_glacier, liq_prcp_off_glacier, liq_prcp_on_glacier, snowfall_off_glacier, snowfall_on_glacier # Whether to store the model flowline diagnostic files during operational runs # This can be useful for advanced diagnostics along the flowlines but is # costly in space (get_filepath('fl_diagnostics')) store_fl_diagnostics = False # What variables would you like to store in the flowline diagnostics files # Note: area and volume are mandatory # You need to keep all variables in one line unfortunately store_fl_diagnostic_variables = area, thickness, volume, volume_bsl, volume_bwl, calving_bucket, ice_velocity, dhdt, climatic_mb, flux_divergence